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Red Text bears a link to reference Rotatorials.

Retention Central is monitored occasionally by its creator, Jim Henry, who may be contacted by email at

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is It Too Late For Rotary?

Born by Commerce
   The Rotary Foundation and all Rotary projects and programs, including polio eradication, are wonderful attributes that support Rotary International and its member clubs.  But the Organization Cemetery is filled with tombs of organizations who concentrated on improving attributes that supported their Brand instead of protecting the Brand and continually delivering value to the Brand's target audience.  Attributes come and go.  Polio eradication – a service project of unfathomable proportions – is about to go.  Will Rotary International go with it?  Attributes are vital to organizations only if they support its Brand and deliver value to the Brand’s target audience. What is Rotary's Brand? Who is Rotary’s target audience? PRID John Smarge nailed it in his “Who is Rotary” speech before the 2011 International Assembly.
   Polio eradication owes much of its success to “Who is Rotary!” Rotary is "local networks of business, professional, and community LEADERS in thousands of local, autonomous clubs scattered throughout the world."  They dreamed of having polio free villages, towns, cities, and countries. Multitudes of Rotarians solidified the cooperation of millions of independent commercial and community leaders of various ethnicities, religious orders, economic systems, and political structures. Their dream, created by local Rotarians, spread by Rotary International, and supported by The Rotary Foundation spurred Rotarians to use their LEADERship skills and resources to influence local and national political, religious, and tribal leaders to commit to freeing people under their influence from polio.  For almost twenty-eight years, millions of these Rotarians have banded together and, even after ridding their own country of polio, expended personal time, resources, and influence to sustain this priceless attribute.
  Will Rotary International entomb itself in the Organization Cemetery because it is concentrating on improving attributes instead of protecting its Brand and being resourceful at finding unique ways to deliver the attributes’ values to its target audience? Is it too late for Rotary to center on its target audience i.e. “Who Rotary Is?”  Is it too late for Rotarians, especially leaders at all levels, to learn what Rotary actually is so they can quickly respond to  What is Rotary?"

Note:   This BLOG contains many Rotatorials that discuss branding, attributes, and target audiences as they relate to all levels of Rotary.  The Most Widely Read are listed in the right sidebar.  Thank you for taking the time to read some of them, for your interest in Rotary, and for all each of you do in support of our Rotary Brand and its Ideal of Service as expressed in The Object of Rotary. 
This will be the last POST of 2012.  Wherever you are, please enjoy a Happy Holiday Season.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What is Rotary's Brand? Does it Differentiate Rotary?

By perfecting your brand and increasing your credibility, retaining and attracting your target audience becomes much easier.
 Jim Henry, Zone 34 Membership and Rotary Coordinator, 2009 - 2011.

           In Rotary Zone 34, and throughout North America, indications are that Rotary still has credibility but has ceased perfecting its Brand.  In the five years from 2005 through 2009, Zone 34, with over 34,000 Rotarians, inducted 22,467 new members and lost 23,053.  This indicates that, after decades of building respect and credibility, the name Rotary still attracts its target audience – members – but many Rotary clubs have lost the ability to retain members.
    Examine possible reasons why from a different point of view.  Successful Organization History 101 (reference Distinctive Position Edition workbook on the right sidebar) tells us that when organizations begin, they furnish goods and/or services different from others that compete for their target audience’s time, talent, and treasure.  This difference is the organization’s Distinctive Position, its driving force; its Brand.  If the organization wants long-term success, it is critical that it adheres to, perfects, and jealously guards its Brand.
     Second to the Brand, and this first/second relationship is vital, is that the organization must have attributes that Relate to the target audience’s wants and needs, which change with time and location.  Why?  It is the manner in which the organization’s attributes Relate to the target audience that builds Brand loyalty.
     The extent to which the organization fulfills its stated or implied Brand establishes the Respect the target audience has for it.  Respect does not occur without having a Brand and attributes that Relate.   Respect reflects the credibility and reputation the target audience has for the organization.  Respect can outlive the Brand by many years.
     Knowledge the target audience has of the organization follows Respect and can also outlive the Brand by many years.  Knowledge means that the target audience has bought into what the Brand stands for, its difference, and further enhances the organization’s credibility. Brand Knowledge cannot be purchased with advertising or public relations.  It must be gained through experience and education.  In Rotary, that translates to retaining members, which will enhance attracting members.

What has this got to do with Rotary?
    Some organizations reach their mountaintop and score high in the Brand, Relate, Respect, and Knowledge categories, then falter and start slipping down the mountain or fall off the cliff.  Why?  Most often it is because its leaders become complacent about perfecting the Brand and allow, or encourage, attributes to exceed the Brand in priority.  This affects everything the organization does: strategic planning, daily operations, associate educational programs, advertising, public relations, etc.  The leaders mistakenly believe that its attributes, things like products, projects, and programs, are its Brand, but an organization’s Brand cannot be defined by attributes; attributes must support the Brand.  Attributes change with time and location and frequently lose Relevance.  Popular attributes are often copied.  Respect and Knowledge continue to attract the target audience, but they soon learn that the organization has forfeited differentiation, hence credibility, strictly because it failed to perfect its Brand.
     This relates to Rotary at all levels.  The target audience, and only the target audience, authenticates a Brand.  Rotary International can't; The Rotary Foundation can't; the over 34,000 Rotary clubs can't!  If target audiences are not properly identified, and their wants and needs are not served by Relevant attributes, Rotary's Brand cannot be perfected. Respect and Knowledge will slowly slip away, and the North American experience indicates that Rotary is in danger.  Will, or can, Rotary revitalize its Brand?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Manage Change or Change will Manage Rotary!

   Rotary, the entire organization, must continually evolve otherwise it will cease to exist (Please refer to Rotary's Branding Triangle in the right sidebar.)  Change is never easy, but Rotary does have a choice – manage change or change will manage Rotary, perhaps out of existence.  In managing change, it is critical that Rotary understands its core industry, recognizes who funds the organization (the customer), and continually delivers value to them.
    Rotary International’s core industry is advancing the Object of Rotary.  Its only customers are its member clubs; clubs that depend on retaining and attracting local business, professional, and community leaders into the Rotary network.  The Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s charitable arm, is a key associate and a major player in advancing the Object of Rotary throughout the world.
    But Rotary's strength lies in its over 34,000 local member clubs and their over 1.2 million members.  Change must be managed with their points of view in mind because it is they who fund and advance the Object of Rotary, first within their local social fabrics, then the world.  Change must continually deliver value to member clubs who must deliver value to their local members.
   The Organization Cemetery is littered with graves of those who failed to manage change because they were seduced by success and fell under the spell of one or more of what I refer to as Fishy Fantasies.  (Author’s note – A fishy fantasy is a slang statement representing a deterrent that hinders addressing paramount issues.)
Fishy Fantasy One – By getting better at what they are doing, they believe their customers will continue to demand their product or service.  Organizations, believing that they are the best at what they are doing, tend to become arrogant, lazy, and gravitate toward mediocrity.  These conditions will become their enemy because customers will eventually find a way to achieve higher levels of satisfaction; more value for their time, treasure, and/or talent.
Fishy Fantasy Two – It costs too much.  Customers are lost primarily because they do not believe they will receive, or are not receiving, value proportional to what they are being asked to contribute in time, treasure, and/or talent. A fundamental principle of any successful change is that if the product or service satisfies customer’s needs, they will find a way to pay for it.  Obviously there has to be a reasonable cost/value ratio, but price is seldom the primary reason people do not buy what an organization sells.
Fishy Fantasy Three – Increasing affluence will ensure the organization’s growth.  In this type atmosphere, organizations’ leaders often assume that they do not have to be creative about their business or industry.  Instead they tend to concentrate on improving what they are already doing.  What actually happens is that they get better at their deeds rather than improving their deeds’ values to their customer.

  Has Rotary been Captivated by any of these Fantasies?

(These fantasies are slightly modified excerpts from Membership - A Chilling Analogy - a short, 2009 Rotatorial prepared for the All Florida PETS.  The Rotatorial may be accessed by clicking on this link.)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Enlightened Self Interest Makes Rotary Go Round!

Is Rotary International getting better at what it is doing instead of concentrating on improving the value of what it is doing to its customers - Rotary clubs and the members of local Rotary clubs?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Developing & Continuing Activities and Programs addressing Membership is supposed to be Rotary International's Highest Priority. Is it?

2012 Code of Policies Section 26.120. Membership Statistics  The development and continuation of activities and programs addressing membership must remain the association’s highest priority. The association and its clubs must remain focused on all aspects of membership.  (May 2003 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 324) Source: February 2003 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 261

     Since 2003, has membership really been the association's highest priority?
    Since 2003, has the association remained focused on all aspects of membership?
    Since 2003, has anyone been assigned the responsibility to make sure this Board decision was being carried out?
    Since 2003, have district membership chairs been invited to the International Assembly to receive specialized training in all aspects of membership like district TRF chairs have been to receive specialized training in all aspects of TRF's Future Vision?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rotary and Mars Rover Curiosity - Their Commonality Could Put Rotary Membership in Growth If . .?

     A group of 21st century humans navigated Curiosity over millions of miles and placed it on Mars!  This is an astonishing feat.  Having Curiosity safely land within meters of its target is beyond the comprehension of most earthlings.  But what is even more astonishing is that the fundamental principles used to keep Curiosity on course were published in Sir Isaac Newton’s book ‘Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica’ in 1687.  Human understanding and creativity have adapted and applied Newton’s 17th century principles to achieve modern successes.
     On many occasions I have heard that the North American membership decline is because the Object of Rotary is outdated and should be relegated to the scrap heap; that it is too old fashioned and does not appeal or apply to modern society.  In sociology and human sciences, the Object of Rotary’s principles are about as outdated as those in Newton’s Philosophiae.  Humans are social beings.  Humanities desire and ability to develop acquaintances between generations and across boundaries as an opportunity for service has brought humanity from where it was eons ago to where it is today.  Rotary launched early in the twentieth century, used the Object’s fundamental principles as its guidance system, and focused on its target audience – business and professional leaders.
     In the latter part of the century, Rotary lost sight of its target audience and wandered off course.   The business and professional leaders didn’t disappear.  Rotary had programmed into its guidance system specific physical and cultural characteristics describing its target audience.  As leaders with differing characteristics emerged, the guidance system failed to identify and focus on them.  To resume course, Rotary updated the target audience’s descriptive characteristics, inadvertently overwhelming the system’s ability to focus.
     Newton’s principles in Philosophiae, using modern, rational human thought, creativity, and technology, focused and placed Curiosity on its Mars target.  The Object of Rotary, Rotary's Circle of Life, using modern, rational human thought, creativity, and technology, could put Rotary back on course – but only if  clubs and Rotary International can identify and focus on its target audience - local leaders regardless of gender, generation, or ethnicity.    

Monday, November 12, 2012

President Ray Klinginsmith was SPOT ON!

     In 2010-11, President Ray wanted Rotary clubs to implement projects and programs so they would become Bigger, Better, and Bolder!  In doing so, he may very well have, in the long run, altered the course of membership in Rotary.
    The approaches used to present the Bigger, Better, and Bolder concept would have been more effective had the metric used to measure successes been understood and practiced.  So let’s continue striving to assist clubs to become Bigger, Better, and Bolder, but use the appropriate metric, which should trigger more effective approaches and successes.
    Columnist Nicholas Kristof said, “Let’s remember that while charity has a mixed record of helping others, it has an almost perfect record of helping ourselves.  Helping others may be as primal as food or sex.”  In the past, projects and programs were implemented to serve those in need.  To Rotary clubs and Rotary International, this, in fact, is the secondary value of all projects and programs.  The primary value is to satisfy the need Rotary club members have to help others while helping themselves.  Understanding this will help R.I. and club associates deliver value to club members which will help retain and attract members!  So let's continue what President Ray started, but deliver the value to club members and use the proper metric-retention and growth indexes-to measure successes.  (To read about the 'Only True Measure of an Effective Club . . .' please look under most frequently read on the right sidebar.)
    For a club president’s take on this, please read ‘MM #5 Touch Points’ on the right sidebar.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Is Rotary International Really Serious . . .

about bridging the gap between it and those who fund its operations?  Maybe, because Rotary Coordinators’ primary responsibilities, at least for this year, are: 
  • To strengthen clubs and districts by encouraging innovative retention and new member attraction strategies to support membership growth and promote the benefits of membership;
  • And emphasize member engagement through effective volunteer activities, networking, and New Generations programs.
      This could be a sound element to use in bridging the gap between R.I. and its members clubs, but the 2007 I-35 bridge collapse in Minnesota that killed 13 and injured 145 proved that a single weak element can cause a bridge to fail.
   What about all the other elements needed to support and build a dependable bridge?  The Rotary International Directors and Staff; Rotary Foundation Coordinators; Public Image Coordinators; District Governors – are these elements also going to support the bridge serving R.I.’s member clubs or will each element be used to support different institutional bridges?  Should not all elements primary purpose be to support and strengthen local clubs? Of course!  Because anywhere in the world the first line of advancing the Object of Rotary is local.  Strong local clubs make for strong districts, a strong Rotary International and a strong Rotary Foundation!
     If Rotary International's history prevails, this new attempt to bridge the gap will collapse just as previous bridges have because it most likely does not have sound structural support and will not be completed before the whimsical winds of future leaders weaken all elements.  All bridge elements should be selected, assembled, and strengthened using sound data, foundations, plans, and principles.  Only after the bridge is proven dependable will it become useful in strengthening clubs.  To construct this bridge using a sound plan and strong components will take more than one year.  Proving the bridge over the gap is strong enough to survive ever-changing wind pressures will take even longer!

Friday, November 2, 2012

One way to prevent Rotary Leaders from hesitating or blah-blahing when asked "What is Rotary?"

Should an R.I. President or Director, T.R.F. Trustee, District Governor, Zone Coordinator, or any other Rotary leader Blah-Blah-Blah when asked "What is Rotary?"

Why not have every North American District Governor-Elect and Zone Coordinator (Rotary, Public Image, and TRF) come to the International Assembly and Coordinator Seminar prepared to present a fifteen to thirty second response to, "What is Rotary?"  Every trainee should deliver their response to breakout session attendees.  Attendees should question and discuss each response, and the trainee should be able to defend it, keeping these fundamentals in mind:

1.  Does the response appeal to one or more common characteristics or emotions a local Rotary club's target audiences might have?
2.  Does the response trigger one or more desires the target audiences may have that membership in a local Rotary club could and should satisfy?
3.  Does the response differentiate membership in a local Rotary club from other local and/or international organizations in ways that a local club's target audiences would find beneficial?   
The most important factors in this exercise will most likely center on identifying local clubs' target audiences and discussing how membership is, or would be, worth the audiences' time, talent, and treasure.

Beware!  It will take an average of five minutes for each trainee to deliver and defend their response.  The major job of the session's facilitator will be to make sure that the presenter does not get a whitewash from compassionate attendees.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Part II - The Importance of Being Earnest (and Brief)

Thank you for the flood of hits on Part I.  As a result of some comments, here are my thoughts on effective responses to the question, “What is Rotary?”

If the question is referring to Rotary International, the simple answer is, “Rotary International is a worldwide association of almost 35,000 Rotary clubs.”   However, most likely the person asking “What is Rotary?” is someone who is going to, coming from, or in the vicinity of where they live.  A proper, simple response would be something like, “Rotary clubs are local networks of active or retired business, professional, or community leaders” or, if you prefer to respond singularly,  “Rotary is a local network of active or retired business, professional, and community leaders.”
    These responses answer the question in brief, simple terms.  If the person asking, the Listener, is interested in networks of business, professional, and community leaders, which most of a local Rotary club’s target audience would be, they most likely will give Responder permission to proceed, usually by asking another question. 
      Here’s why these responses work.
1. They are brief, earnest, and answer the question,
3. They mention something that would interest most people in a local target audience (networking with influential people,)
4. They differentiate Rotarians and Rotary clubs from most local non-profit and charitable organizations, and,
5. Oh, yes.  Did I mention that they are brief, earnest, and answer the question?
         If Listener is a part of the target audience, the response singles them out as being a leader or being interested in meeting leaders, which makes Listener feel a bit special.  If Listener is not a member of the target audience, they may not give permission for Responder to proceed.  Even then, Responder did answer the question in terms so brief and simple that Listener may remember Rotary's differentiation

Think about all of the above as you study the “YOU ARE THE MISSING PIECE” sign. Does it attract the attention of any of a local club’s target audience?  Does it trigger a common emotion the target audience might have?  Does it differentiate Rotary in the minds of local target audiences? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Importance of Being Earnest (and brief) when asked, "What is Rotary?"

The purpose of any Responder’s reply to this question is to get their Listener's approval to proceed to the next step.

A concise response, no longer than thirty seconds, should communicate without doubt that Responders know what Rotary is and are pleased to discuss the topic.  In less than twenty seconds, most Listeners make the decision on whether or not they are interested in gathering more information even on topics that relate to them. If Listeners are part of Responders' target audiences, and if the response piques their interest, Listeners will most likely give Responder permission to proceed to the next level.  Without permission, Responder will be invading Listeners’ privacy! They will most likely mentally shut down interest, often staring as Responder blahs on. If Responders do not have an effective response, they are communicating lack of knowledge about Rotary.  Again, Listeners will most likely shut down interest because they are not confident that Responders' information is authentic.

But the prime Importance of Being Earnest (and brief) lies in taking the time to create an effective response.

Except for Rotary International staff, Rotary leadership changes every one or two years.  Everyone, particularly those in leadership positions, should have an effective fifteen-to-thirty second "What is Rotary?" response.  Creating such a response and embedding it into personal response chambers can be tedious and time consuming because one must know:

  • The target audiences and their common characteristics.
  • What desires the target audiences have that Rotary could, and should, satisfy.
  • How Rotary differentiates from competitive forces and may be beneficial to the target audience.

Taking the time and effort needed to prepare such a response will embed important Rotary fundamentals in personal mindsets. This will help everyone, especially leaders, become more comfortable, confident, and competent in their positions. 

Two previous Rotatorials address the importance of identifying target audiences and differentiation.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who is the You Rotary Clubs Want To Attract?

            Rotary International’s future relies in how effective its 34,000+ member clubs are in their local social environments.  Effective local clubs differentiate themselves by creating emotional connections with their target audiences.  They accomplish differentiation by -1- linking membership with their audiences’ business and personal lives and -2- engaging them in shared causes (think:  The Object of Rotary.)  To link and engage target audiences it is critical that clubs identify who their target audience is and their wants and needs!  Unfortunately, target audience concepts, therefore identities, escape many Rotary leaders.  Without knowing who the you is, linking, engaging, or attracting them is next to impossible.
            Everything any Rotary club does, EVERYTHING, should differentiate by creating and solidifying emotional connections with its target audiences – present and future members.  Should not EVERYTHING that Rotary International does be designed to help its target audiences – present and future clubs – differentiate? 
            What about the ‘YOU ARE THE MISSING PIECE’ sign?  Are all the YOUs who read it a local Rotary club’s target audience?  Does it differentiate local Rotary clubs?  Does it link or engage target audiences with local clubs?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Do Successful Rotary Clubs and Popular Social Media Sites Have in Common?

Answer:  Both differentiate themselves from competition and create trusting relationships with their target audiences.

Does your club know its target audience?  Does your club differentiate?  Does your club build trusting relationships with its target audience?  Can social media and Rotary at all levels work together?

To effectively engage target audiences through social media, clubs (and Rotary International) must identify their target audiences, know its wants and needs, differentiate themselves from competitive forces, and know how often their target audiences engage which social media sites.  Effective social media and web site use can assist in building trust and creating emotional connections, but such engagement will only be on the target audiences’ terms.  Therefore it is vital that clubs differentiate and know what engages their target audiences.  Successful Rotary clubs do.  Successful social media sites do.  Does your club?  Do the clubs in your district, zone, or region?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rotary is Not What Senior Rotary Leaders Say it is!

Rotary is what its 34,000+ member clubs represent it to be in each of their local social fabrics.  This is important simply because the sum of local Rotary is global Rotary. 
At the local level, Rotary is not what club leaders think or say it is; Rotary is what each club’s local target audience says it is when Rotary leaders are not present.

Strategic Planning and Visioning are a waste of time
unless the organization identifies its target audience and understands what their wants and needs are.  Why?  Simply because it is the local club’s target audience that ultimately defines what Rotary is and whether or not the club will succeed or fail.  Without question, the fuzziest element in virtually all strategic planning, visioning, and membership sessions I have facilitated is the organization’s identification of its target audience and what the organization can or has to do to satisfy their wants and needs.  Until clubs clearly understand these issues, the club (and/or Rotary International) will be wandering in a fog without a compass. So let’s get elemental:  any organizations’ target audience must be those that fund the organization’s purpose for existing.  A Rotary club’s target audience is present and future members.  Rotary International’s target audience is present and future member clubs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Is your reply similar to many Rotary leaders?

Can Rotary measure Why Rotarians are Rotarians?

Friday, August 17, 2012

How is it possible to identify effective Rotary clubs, districts, and zones when they come in different sizes, cultures, economies, and political systems?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rotary's Gaps

Siegel+Gale, the outstanding international firm assisting Rotary with its brand revitalization initiative, says in its January, 2012 report to the Directors and Trustees that the perceptual gap between what Rotarians and external audiences know is two to three times larger than it should be.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rotary's Recruiting Death Dance

Rotary's Recruiting Death Dance

Is Rotary's Recruiting Death Dance the living equivalent of the melodic song the mythical Thorn Bird sings as it impales itself to death?

To read this timeless Rotatorial on silencing recruiting's captivating melody. please click here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Can Advertising Revitalize Rotary's Image and Grow Membership?

Does everything about your club vitalize your members?  Does everything your district undertakes vitalize your clubs?  

Part II of Jim Henry's Born by Commerce series uses the story of British Rail's revitalization to point out some issues that could assist revitalizing Rotary everywhere.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Strategic Plan Creating and Updating Time for Districts and Clubs.  

As a result of some questions and comments about the most recent Rotatorial, and the Membership Retention and Attraction initiatives, I thought it would be a good idea to call attention to a major planning fundamental.  The Anarchy of Misaligned Core Essences, Brand Promises, and Target Audiences, 
originally posted in February, 2011, supports the recent re-posting of the Reversing A Membership Freefall series.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Time for Peaceful Resistance

Time for Peaceful Resistance?

Are clubs being treated like the customers they are?  Are clubs being given the value and priority commensurate with what they are being asked to give?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 8


Retain to Gain

Part 8

A Georgia ex-Rotarian said about Rotary: 
“It wasn’t worth the time or money I had to invest.”  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 7

Retain to Gain
Part 7

Obstacles to your Strategic Plan have surfaced.  What kind are they and how do you overcome them?  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 4

Retain to Gain
Part 4

A Guiding Coalition must establish an  
Attainable Vision

Retain to Gain Part 6

Retain to Gain
Part 6

You have a Strategic Plan, but the mid-term goals have not been reached.  The major reason Guiding Coalitions do not meet Strategic Plan's goals is because they have failed to . . . . 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 5


Retain to Gain  

Part 5

Create a Strategic Plan
In order to create a systematic strategic plan for long-term survival, any organization must center its plan on satisfying its customers by establishing a distinctive position . . .  to continue reading, click here,

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Retain to Gain Part 3


Part 3

Established Priorities 
takes more than one person, one month, or one year.  An influential guiding coalition must carry the torch until the priorities have been achieved and solidified.

To read 
Creating a Guiding Coalition, 
please click here.  
Watch for Part 4 - Establish an Obtainable Vision, to be posted in June.